What people are saying about…
Legal Affairs

  • “Suits on speed - A gripping TV series that demonstrates the power of manipulation.“

  • “Almost too good to be true for a public channel. Legal chasms and human pitfalls seperate Legal Affairs from the coziness of the standard German legal show.”

  • “With this series German television has finally arrived in the year 2021. Brings reality back to TV.“

  • “High pace, fast cuts, a frenzy of flashing cameras and always new cases - this series never gets boring. The central theme that head writers Lena Kammermeier and Felice Götze have established proves to be extremely valid.“

  • “One of the late, desperately needed series highlights of 2021. Offers splendid entertainment: an often ironic approach to the influence of social media and tabloid journalism and strong, wonderfully ambivalent female characters. Exciting! - It truly is.“

  • “Legal shows are a dime a dozen. But something like Legal Affairs hasn’t been done before. It’s fast paced and worth watching, also due to its legal cases. You'll hardly find the time to catch your breath. Please fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to get wild.“


What people are saying about…
Über die Grenze I Borderland

  • “Now that’s the crime show, you hope for in European television. It's called "Borderland" and that’s where it's set - in Germany and France. Director Michael Rowitz takes no prisoners neither does the screenwriting. "Borderland" is a big hit and hits hard.“

  • “Fast, brutal, brilliantly performed. A rollercoaster ride on the high wire between Stockholm-syndrome and extreme violence. Borders are crossed, in the storytelling, aesthetically and in the acting. Afterwards you will sit there stunned. And need something stronger than just mulled wine.“

  • “The drastic story, the flashy style and the extreme optical effort set it apart from all the other crime shows of ARD Degeto. Compared to it the others are doing harmless, sugarcoated crime.“